There are many dissimilar types of labels available, some are blank to be printed on and others are pre-printed. Pre-printed labels all have their own meaning (message), they are designed to apprise population of a determined something where it be the awareness of a business or an schooling to the user. One very important label used are electrical labels; they are of high significance because they have the power to save lives and stop possible injuries.
Electrical Labels are informative in their nature and warn population of a present danger (that danger being electricity). The labels normally consist of a Yellow Triangle with a Black form that contains a photo of a lightning bolt in Black. Underneath the Yellow Triangle is a Yellow square that informs you of how much Voltage is present an example of what the label would say is ''Danger 440 Volts''. Here is a list of some of the voltages that may be printed on the labels: 110, 230, 240, 400, 415, 440, 3300, 6600, 11000.
High Voltage Power Supply

There are some variations of this label and it all depends what it is to be located on; some of the labels may have small text underneath the voltage stating 'Warning detach Supply Before Removing Cover'.
There are a lot of companies that supply these labels throughout the Uk and the World; you will be able to find many of them online by simply searching for 'electrical labels'. It might be worth remembering that a lot of suppliers will give you allowance if you buy in bulk.
Electrical Labelshigh voltage power supply