Stun guns are close proximity self defense devices that use high-voltage electricity to stop an attacker by momentarily disabling muscle control. To use, disarm the safety and simply pull the trigger and touch the aggressor with the metal prongs.
Taser devices are electroshock weapons that use electrical current to disrupt muscle control, stopping an attacker dead in their tracks. Tasers can be used both close and far range. Upon firing, the gadget shoots two metal probe darts a distance of 15 feet to reach an attacker before he reaches you. It can also be used as a direct caress stun gun, allowing for close proximity self defense.
High Voltage Power Supply

The pros and cons of owning and using each self defense gadget depend on which features are most important to you, and are most efficient for the situation in which you could be using it.
Taser Pros:
- Far range potential offers a safe 15 foot zone of safety with 50,000 volts of power being delivered through two probes that can perforate up to 2" of clothing.
- Simplified aim in models with built-in laser sighting. Just line up the red dot and shoot.
- The gadget will shock your attacker for 30 seconds allowing you to drop the gadget and genuinely get to safety.
- Features a direct caress back-up potential built into them in case of a misfire, missed target, or if the attacker is too close.
Taser Cons:
- Both electrode barbs must hit their target for the gadget to be effective, typically both do.
- To own one, you are required to pass felony background check for registration and activation of the unit.
- Ranging from 0 and up, the price is more expensive, and tasers wish the purchase of exchange firing cartridges and may also wish power magazine exchange (depending on the model).
Stun Gun Pros:
- Units come in all shapes, sizes, and voltage! Voltage varying from 100,000 volts to 4.5 million volts.
- For close range self defense, nothing brings an attacker down more swiftly and efficiently.
- If you touch the someone while striking them, the electrical current will not pass back to you.
- Avoid an attacker by firing a warning shot in the air; the electrical crackling can deter an charge before it happens.
- More cost efficient than taser devices, stun guns cost less, do not wish exchange firing cartridges, they are powered by batteries or they recharge.
- No felony background check required for ownership.
Stun Gun Cons:
- No far range capabilities, they are meant for close range self defense. To drop an attacker to the ground, you must touch the someone with the unit.
- Stun batons allow for extended reach if you are curious in direct caress stun gun devices with an extended range.
- Voltage matters! When using a low voltage unit (under 500,000 volts), you may have to hold the gadget to the attacker longer than 3-5 seconds, especially if the someone is large, so opt for more power when it comes to voltage.
high voltage power supply