If it gets inside our body, electricity can cause improper functioning of some of our organs or systems. Electronic equipments and household electric items are a source of electricity and they are also inherent dangers which, in unhappy circumstances can cause severe injuries and, on rare occasions, can turn out to be fatal. Everybody knows what it feels like to work on a nylon carpet in a dry climate and get an electric shock when later touching a metal object. When our feet touch that material, our body start to regain static power and it is then released when touching a metal object. In this situation, the body is filled with electrical current which is then released when coming in caress with a metallic surface. In such cases, the shock is weak and all it does is make us giggle a little. But when the electrical flow is more intense, it can furnish a severe electric shock.
Electric shocks can be provoked by lightning, electronic or industrial equipment, or by coming in caress with high voltage cables, like the ones on electric train lines. A lot of home or industrial accidents take place because people use power plugs and damaged equipment. Others come as a succeed of improper maneuvering, like using a machine when our hands are wet. electric shocks that occur at home or at the work place are urgency provoked by low voltage electricity. But even low voltage can be very risky and it is responsible for most death compared to high voltage electricity because the latter is found in factories and huge associates and not a lot of people have passage to it.
High Voltage Power Supply Circuit

There are some tips and things you can do in case of an urgency when man suffered an electric shock. You can try to detach the victim from the object that cause the shock but be careful not to touch directly the object or the body as electricity may still be running straight through these two. If possible, pour huge quantities of warm water on burns and then place a sterile bandage.
More facts on condition and how to stay safe can be found on Metrolic!
Electricity - Home Danger