Arc Welding is a broader classification of welding which includes among others stick welding.
Essentially, this process utilizes a welding power provide which may either be electricity or electrodes. Electricity may either be Dc (direct current) or Ac (Alternating Current). On the other hand, electrodes may be classified as either consumable or non-consumable.
Further, a shielding gas is also complex in the process, which may either be inert or semi-inert.

In easy terms, it is the process of creating an electric arc fuelled by the welding power provide between the electrode and base material. Therefore, a point of experience known as the welding point is created. This position must be maintained by the welder until the material is successfully welded.
With respect to using electricity as a welding power supply, two kinds of power may be utilized: current power and voltage power.
According to experts, welding entails direct correlation between two important aspects----the distance of arc to the voltage and the estimate of heat input to the current. Compatibility in these aspects must be ensured for victorious results.
Common examples of sub-types of welding that uses current power supplies are as follows: gas tungsten arc welding and shielded metal arc welding. These sub-types that are characterized as by hand welding processes require a constant estimate of current as the voltage fluctuates. This is what exactly a current power provide provides.
With respect to subtypes of arc welding that utilizes constant voltage power, celebrated examples are automated welding processes such as gas metal flux cored arc welding, and submerged arc welding. In these subtypes, constant voltage is required amidst fluctuations in current. It is also important to keep the arc distance constant since any movement in each of the materials complex may cause an increase in the current, which in turn hampers the welding process.
Indeed, welding entails technical knowledge on the matter. Its concepts are far too complex for an lowly buyer to comprehend. It requires the explanations of expert welders who are not only well-versed on the field but can effectively delineate in undoubtedly understandable terms the nuances of the process. Actual demonstration is also a quick way of comprehension the field matter. The parts complex in the process can also be identified undoubtedly by the buyer thereby facilitating the latter's comprehension. In sum, unless the buyer is concerned in pursuing a degree in arc welding, consultation of an expert welder is very recommended.
The Reality About Arc Welding