How do defibrillators work?
A defibrillator is a healing gismo used to accurate irregular heart beat patterns, otherwise known as cardiac arrhythmias. Cardiac arrhythmias are caused by abnormal electrical activity in the heart, characterized by irregular contractions. Many arrhythmias are often common and benign, most often described as feeling your heart skip a beat. Other arrhythmias, however, can interrupt the general flow of blood, causing vital organs such as the brain to lose oxygen and suffocate. If left untreated, these arrhythmias can be deadly in very short periods of time. Defibrillators are most commonly used to treat two very hazardous types of arrhythmias: ventricular fibrillation, or 'V-fiB,' and ventricular tachycardia, or 'V-tach.'
Today, defibrillators can be movable units located in ambulances, automated units located in a group area, or even an implantable unit located directly into a patient's body. No matter the style of defibrillator, the medicine remains the same. Applying a quick, high-voltage, direct-current fee to the patient's chest, allows a defibrillator to disrupt abnormal rhythms and prompt the heart to resume its general rhythm. Despite the power of the shock that a defibrillator supplies, technological advances have created lower-energy shocks which are much less likely to cause internal damage and burns.

What are the risks connected with using a defibrillator?
Although defibrillators can save lives, defectively designed defibrillators can cause a great deal of damage and even lead to death. Studies show that defective Sprint Fidelis leads in Medtronic's implantable defibrillator are prone to fracture, causing the units to issue qualified shocks at random. These shocks may cause intense pain, anxiety, and even death for people with implanted units.
If you or a loved one has been implanted with a Medtronic defibrillator with Sprint Fidelis leads, taste an attorney immediately to discuss your legal options. A skilled attorney will be able to evaluate your case and contribute you with the legal aid you need to navigate the involved litigation process. The outcomes of using a defective Medtronic defibrillator may cause you to struggle financially, emotionally, and physically. There is no theorize to face the hardships connected with defective products when your situation was caused by a poorly man-made or defective product. Manufacturers are often found liable for injuries caused by their products and an experienced attorney will be able to help you manufacture the most productive lawsuit possible.
Defibrillators - An overview