The nature of the beast, as far as uninterruptible power furnish (Ups) is concerned, is power protection. Load connection to the source of uninterrupted power must be acquire and provision needs to be made for power distribution to vital loads. vital load connection will rely on either direct connection to the Ups yield or a form or power distribution unit. Load connection may be via a socket or hardwired, depending upon rating and currents drawn. Downstream distribution depends upon the factory format that has been chosen either centralised or decentralised.
Essential loads are those a power continuity customer cannot operate without and may include things like cost systems, transaction processing and other operational loads. vital loads are those that wish power protection, such as Pcs maybe and other back-office equipment but are not as crucial to performance as vital loads.
Uninterruptible Power furnish Connection

Decentralised Ups distribution commonly incorporates plug-in type units, which rely on standard socket outputs to furnish connections up to 16A in total. Larger current wish a hardwired connection to the yield terminals or maybe an industrial-type connector. Where there are many hardwired loads, a distribution board will be used.
External Bypass Connection
Where an external bypass is installed, it provides the point of connection for the loads; either directly (plug-in or hardwired) or via a distribution board. The bypass will have a hand-operated change switch or circuit-breakers, and may also include self-operating change switching circuit to furnish the factory with additional resilient if the Ups is accidentally removed or fails.
Distribution Boards
Distribution boards furnish a common point of distribution for the loads and are used for centralised systems, primarily. Each feed within the cabinet may be individually supplied via a suitably-rated circuit-breaker to furnish discrimination in case of a short-circuit. Within a large vital installation, two or more distribution boards may be provided, one for the uninterruptible power furnish (critical loads) and one for the generator supporting vital loads.
Power Distribution Units (Pdus)
Power distribution units distribute power to many plug-in loads, such as file server clusters. They are supplied with a range of socket lengths and combinations to accommodate any whole of sockets. Each Pdu is fused and may also merge someone else form of surge suppression, Tvss (transient voltage surge suppressors) for example. Within a rackmount cabinet, Pdus can be installed vertically or horizontally.
Intelligent power distribution units, which can be remotely controlled over a network, are becoming more prominent. Pdus should not be related daisy-chain fashion where more than one is being used. They are commonly individually fused and by powering one from another, a single-point-of-failure is being introduced into the power continuity system.
Automatic and Static change Switches (Ats)
These can be used in place of power distribution units, especially for plug-in type loads. They are typically relay-based.
Static change switches cater for high power ratings and can be hardwired for either single-phase or three-phase inputs and outputs. A positive advantage is that they are static switch-based and can be related in parallel to furnish added resilience.
A note or warning, however, with static change switches; care must be taken to ensure single-points-of-failure are not introduced on the yield side of the uninterruptible power supply. Each device is fused or related by a circuit-breaker, which should it rupture or open, will result in the load being dropped.
Ups Downstream Distribution